Thursday, January 8, 2009


Tomorrow is friday...and I am most excited about that!

I think Zach has already decided walking is the only way to go.  When we got home today, he followed me around for about 15 minutes before he toppled and crawled.  How does it happen so fast??  He walks more than he crawls now?!?

He almost crawled into the bathtub tonight.  He actually GOT his leg up and onto the 
side of the tub.  I think he could have gotten in if I hadn't stopped him!  

Slooow down, sweet boy!  You are growing too fast.  Almost a year ago today...I wrote this to you.  It is still I think my fav post of all time.  My son, you are EVERYTHING and more than I imagined you would be.  Almost a year ago I looked like this.....

And then just a few (eh hem) short weeks were here!!  What a ride it has been so far!

And now here you are, cute as can be, almost one and not slowing down a bit!  Thank you Zach for giving us the craziest, sometimes sleepless, most wonderful 11 months so far!
I am feeling very nostalgic and sentimental these days so expect a lot of these types of posts over the next few weeks!  I think Zach needs a sibling.  What do you think? :)


  1. He DEFINITELY needs a sibling! Watching the interaction between my kids is actually more precious than I could have ever imagined! I love every minute of it, even the fighting and crying. Zach was soooo cute and still is! Congratulations on being a mom. It is such a precious gift and the hardest job to do!

  2. Being a mom is the BEST, isn't it? I feel like my entire life has been just a lead-up to this moment, snuggling with my sweet little guy. And yes, Zach DEFINITELY needs a sibling!

  3. siblings are fun! today alex referred to julia as "my baby sister" for the first time. He asked "I take my baby sister for a ride?". it was adorable watching him drive her around in his power wheels. pretty fun and also cool to have them grow up together.

  4. Reading your blog brought tears to my eyes just now!! It is so hard to believe he is almost 1! I look so forward to watching our children grow up together! We are going to have wonderful times!


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