Monday, August 18, 2008

Six Month Stats!

We had a good check up today! Zach was cheery and flirty and all around a good boy. He did not care for his shots (but who does!) but after a quick kiss on those chubby thighs, he was okay. And as soon as he was strapped into the car seat, it was snooze city. We have just been enjoying our day together playing and he is down for a nap now. I am enjoying my day with munchkin!

So here is the big boy's stats:
Height- 28 1/2" - 95%
Weight - 18 lbs 12 oz - 60%
Head - 17 1/2" - 75%

Zach is sitting up pretty much on his own now. He tumples occasionally but is sitting really well now. He is also grabbing for toys and transferring them between hands. And as I posted earlier too, the feet have found the mouth! Z is doing good with tummy time too and manages to spin around somehow! We have had peas and carrots so far and think we may try squash next!

So all and all, great visit and Z man is right on track!


  1. That's great! I love those early visits! It gets worse when they're older and they remember and register the pain of the shots. Age 4 was the absolute worst for us. Two big shots in each leg, pee in a cup, eye test, hearing test, and finger stick for the blood test. We never got past the four shots and the finger stick. I still have the cup he is suposed to pee in at home. I feel so bad for them, but I guess we all have to do it. I'm jealous of your day off. Sounds like fun. It would be perfect in the rainy weather up here.

  2. Congrats on a good check up! Wow, he's a tall little man, isn't he. Matt looks tall in your pics, but of course I've never met you in person. :) Bean spins around on his tummy whenever I turn my head too, I don't know how they do it!

  3. BIG GUY! I knew he had it in him! He will be a great match for Paige or Julia, tall people like each you and Matt already know :).

    Tummy spinning comes RIGHT before the army out he may be moving across the room before you know it! Alex started doing it just before he turned 7 months, so it may be sooner than you think.


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