Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What the heck?!?

Why is Jerry wearing an A&M shirt? And where did he get it from? Seriously, grandma marine drives me insane and its a shame he is wearing the Aggie maroon! Plus he clashes with the red hat. Anyone else watching BB10? What do you think about it?

I love Renny. She is my favorite and I hope she wins overall. Why could she not figure out the Jerry/Michelle baby though? I mean, the baby was bald with white hair on the sides! Who else could it be? C'mon Renny!! And Keisha is starting to bug. I think I want Dan or Renny to win!


  1. So exciting about the house!!!!

    And Sean is a huge BB10 fan, I watch it on and off as it's usually on in the background. I'm not a big Jerry fan either but if he makes it to the end I think he'll win on account of the age factor.

  2. Sorry, I only see the clips that are on The Soup. :-)

  3. figures jerry would be wearing an aggie shirt...he seems to fit the type. ha! i kid, i kid. there were plenty of longhorns being worn by some idiots on the show too.

    the show is so rocking and i can't believe memphis was stupid enough to use the veto on dan. the house is surely going after him now. go renny!


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