Thursday, July 17, 2008

Nooo Mooore Wire Hangers!!!!!!

Ha, funny line to use. But for real. I have So many wire hangers in the closet from dry cleaning and since I'm in the process of cleaning out the closet...I need to get rid of them! What do you do with them? Throw them away? That seems so wasteful! Can wire hangers be recycled? Would the cleaners take them back? Or a resale place? I don't know but you know, since I am so "green", I am trying to find a nice way to dispose of them. Any suggestions??


  1. yes, the dry cleaners takes them back...come on lisa, where have you been???

  2. Yeah, I didn't know that the cleaners would take the hangers back until chuck told me a couple months ago. He cleans out the closet every few months and takes the hangers to the cleaners when he drops off our laundry.

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