Sunday, September 13, 2009

Good weekend!

It was a busy but fun weekend!  I am glad I have today to chill and recover!

Friday night my folks came over...enlisted my mom's help with the infamous cheese petit fours.  They are so yum but such a pain in the booty to make!  

Saturday was Allison's shower and I think it turned out really nice as usual.  I swear we should go into business ;-) It was also really nice to see all the ladies.  Its been a busy summer and it seems like I hadn't seen some of them in a long time.  And to all of you that were out of town or unable to attend, we missed you but understand that life is busy and the drive can be far!  :)  Allison got a lot of good loot although I was chatting and missed a lot so I think I need to go over and check it all out in person!  Anyway, it was fun but I was POOPED after it was all over...and stuffed from the good food!

Sunday was a good day too.  We went to the early praise and worship service at 9:30 so Matt could be home early to go watch the Cowboys.  I guess football is good for something.  HA!  Z and I didn't end up doing too much in the afternoon but playing around the house since he fell asleep in the car on the way home from Target and our way to Susan's to feed the ducks! Hopefully we make it to see the ducks today!  We finished up the evening taking pics with Cassie at the park in the neighborhood.  Zach was not the most cooperative as their was just WAY to much exploring to be done, but I saw just a few she took and they will be worth it!  Thanks so much Cassie for taking the time to come out and take our pics.  It was fun and great to finally meet you in person! :)

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