Tuesday, September 6, 2011

picture post!

Happy Labor Day, everyone!  Hope you had a great weekend with friends and family.  We did a LOT of cleaning out around the house...mixed in with an Astros game Friday night and watching the Aggies BTHO of SMU on Sunday!  :)  Here are a couple of pics from the last few days...

 Enjoying some cotton candy!
 Mark thought Z was hilarious!
 with Mickey!

 and just being silly...they had come inside from running through the sprinklers!

Hope I can snag some pics of the boys from Sunday from someone, they looked so cute in the Aggie gear!  We made a trip after church to Academy and got the whole family decked out!

I was good for my activity except for Sunday.  We were busy before and after church and then headed to the Aday's.  I guess my activity for that day will have to be the hour Zach and I grocery shopped!

And for a final funny shot...today I cleaned out my closet.  Got rid of a ton of clothes that were either a) old or b) too big.  Also found some clothes that I can now wear again which is fun!  But I had Matt take my pic in a pair of jeans I was wearing at the beginning of this year....pardon the no make up and hair!
Now if that's not motivation for me, I don't know what is!  :)  I don't think the picture even really does it justice. I can pull them on and off without even unbuttoning.  And even better, I found a pair of jeans I had saved from when I lived overseas after college just for posterity....they now fit again!  I think I will wear them to work on Friday and take a pic!

Hope everyone has a great week!  Stay active! :)


  1. OMGosh Lisa...you look amazing and that is so motivating. Keep up the great work my friend! Boys look great too.


  2. Lisa, you look AMAZING!! Giving me a much needed boost to get back on the weight loss program (I have been off the wagon for about 2 weeks). Keep it up, I need the inspiration :)

  3. Ahh! You look fantastic! You're a rock star!


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