I read this article this week and found it so interesting! So funny to think how quickly times are changing and technology especially! Anything you can think of to add to the list that our kids will never know about??
30 Things Babies Born in 2011 Will Never Know by stacy johnson
If you think the world hasn’t changed in the last 10 years, then you’ve been living in a cave. Technology has changed the way we work, relax and communicate. Here are some things that are part of your life that won’t be recognized by the next generation...
Huffington Post recently put up a story called You’re Out: 20 Things That Became Obsolete This Decade. It’s a great retrospective on the technology leaps we’ve made since the new century began, and it got me thinking about the difference today’s technology will make in the lives of tomorrow’s kids.
Video tape: Starting this year, the news stories we produce here at Money Talks have all been shot, edited, and distributed to TV stations without ever being on any kind of tape. Not only that, the tape-less broadcast camera we use today offers much higher quality than anything that could have been imagined 10 years ago – and cost less than the lens on the camera we were using previously.
Travel agents: While not dead today, this profession is one of many that’s been decimated by the Internet. When it’s time for their honeymoon, will those born in 2011 be able to find one?
Books, magazines, and newspapers: Like video tape, words written on dead trees are on their way out. Sure, there may be books – but for those born today, stores that exist solely to sell them will be as numerous as record stores are now.
The separation of work and home: When you’re carrying an email-equipped computer in your pocket, it’s not just your friends who can find you – so can your boss. For kids born this year, the wall between office and home will be blurry indeed.
Movie rental stores: You actually got in your car and drovesomeplace just to rent a movie?
Adult book stores, 900 numbers, and movie theaters: Nobody knows where anonymous sexual stimulation may be heading, but it’s a safe bet it’s not back to pay-by-the-minute telephone services or public venues.
Watches: Maybe as quaint jewelry, but the correct time is on your smartphone, which is pretty much always in your hand.
Paper maps: At one time these were available free at every gas station. They’re practically obsolete today, and the next generation will probably have to visit a museum to find one.
Wired phones: Why would you pay $35 every month to have a phone that plugs into a wall? For those born today, this will be a silly concept.
Long distance: Thanks to the Internet, the days of paying more to talk to somebody in the next city, state, or even country are limited.
Newspaper classifieds: The days are gone when you have to buy a bunch of newsprint just to see what’s for sale.
Dial-up Internet: While not everyone is on broadband, it won’t be long before dial-up Internet goes the way of the plug-in phone.
Encyclopedias: Imagine a time when you had to buy expensive books that were outdated before the ink was dry. This will be a nonsense term for babies born today.
Forgotten friends: Remember when an old friend would bring up someone you went to high school with, and you’d say, “Oh yeah, I forgot about them!” The next generation will automatically be in touch with everyone they’ve ever known even slightly via Facebook.
Forgotten anything else: Kids born this year will never know what it was like to stand in a bar and incessantly argue the unknowable. Today the world’s collective knowledge is on the computer in your pocket or purse. And since you have it with you at all times, why bother remembering anything?
The evening news: The news is on 24/7. And if you’re not home to watch it, that’s OK – it’s on the smartphone in your pocket.
CDs: First records, then 8-track, then cassette, then CDs – replacing your music collection used to be an expensive pastime. Now it’s cheap(er) and as close as the nearest Internet connection.
Film cameras: For the purist, perhaps, but for kids born today, the word “film” will mean nothing. In fact, even digital cameras – both video and still – are in danger of extinction as our pocket computers take over that function too.
Yellow and White Pages: Why in the world would you need a 10-pound book just to find someone?
Catalogs: There’s no need to send me a book in the mail when I can see everything you have for sale anywhere, anytime. If you want to remind me to look at it, send me an email.
Fax machines: Can you say “scan”, “.pdf,” and “email”?
One picture to a frame: Such a waste of wall/counter/desk space to have a separate frame around each picture. Eight gigabytes of pictures and/or video in a digital frame encompassing every person you’ve ever met and everything you’ve ever done – now, that’s efficient. Especially compared to what we used to do: put our friends and relatives together in a room and force them to watch what we called a “slide show” or “home movies.”
Wires: Wires connecting phones to walls? Wires connecting computers, TVs, stereos, and other electronics to each other? Wires connecting computers to the Internet? To kids born in 2011, that will make as much sense as an electric car trailing an extension cord.
Hand-written letters: For that matter, hand-written anything. When was the last time you wrote cursive? In fact, do you even know what the word “cursive” means? Kids born in 2011 won’t – but they’ll put you to shame on a tiny keyboard.
Talking to one person at a time: Remember when it was rude to be with one person while talking to another on the phone? Kids born today will just assume that you’re supposed to use texting to maintain contact with five or six other people while pretending to pay attention to the person you happen to be physically next to.
Retirement plans: Yes, Johnny, there was a time when all you had to do was work at the same place for 20 years and they’d send you a check every month for as long as you lived. In fact, some companies would even pay your medical bills, too!
Mail: What’s left when you take the mail you receive today, then subtract the bills you could be paying online, the checks you could be having direct-deposited, and the junk mail you could be receiving as junk email? Answer: A bloated bureaucracy that loses billions of taxpayer dollars annually.
Commercials on TV: They’re terrifically expensive, easily avoided with DVRs, and inefficiently target mass audiences. Unless somebody comes up with a way to force you to watch them – as with video on the Internet – who’s going to pay for them?
Commercial music radio: Smartphones with music-streaming programs like Pandora are a better solution that doesn’t include ads screaming between every song.
Hiding: Not long ago, if you didn’t answer your home phone, that was that – nobody knew if you were alive or dead, much less where you might be. Now your phone is not only in your pocket, it can potentially tell everyone – including advertisers – exactly where you are.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
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10:01 PM
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
All I Can Say is.....
God Bless Grandparents!! The crew decided to try for a kid free NYE this year...and since we had kinda decided we would be out on a kid/adult gathering anyway (M can be hard to put down where there are a lot of people around unless at our house), we were definitely up for an adult night out! However, I wasn't sure if we would have a sitter. My parents have helped out SO much with the boys lately with all the holiday social gatherings so I wasn't sure if they would want to spend their NYE with the critters. Well I think after hearing the rest of the friends had sitters, mom decided they would once again come to the rescue! Thanks again SO much mom and dad, what would we do without you?!?!?!
I think we will head to dinner and then out to a local bar for a New Year's Night of KAREOKE! This will be our first adults only New Years in 4 years! :)
Saturday we will head back to the parents' house to collect the boys and eat lots of black eyed peas and cabbage to ensure that 2011 is off to a good start!
Posted by
9:17 AM
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
One of those moments....
Last night I had one of those moments with the Z Man....you know, one of the times where your heart all swells up and your throat gets all tight and perhaps even a little teary in the eyes! You know I have a love of books of all kinds and have some childhood books specifically that I have such fond memories of. Up until now, Z has been hard to sit through real books, more interested in pictures or finding things, etc, a typical 2 year old...but over the last couple weeks, we had noticed him being more into the "story". So Sunday night we were sitting on the couch and I saw Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good very bad day poking out from the the shelf and asked him to bring it over to me to read to him. He plopped into my lap and was just mesmerized all about Alexander's day and his brothers too. After we finished, he asked for another so I pushed my luck for another big kid book and got Corduroy (one of my all time fav books...the little girl's name IS lisa after all! ha!) and read that one too. He was so into it! I figured it was just a fluke and just enjoyed the moment....
But then last night, he brought ME the same 2 books again and wanted to read "the bad day and the bear book again"! Awwww! Enter swelling heart and closed throat! I love books so much and have been anxiously awaiting to when we would get into the stage when he could read more than Sandra Boyton and look and find books (although the Going to Bed book will ALWAYS be one of my favs). At the end of Corduroy, he exclaims how he always wanted a friend and Lisa replies "me too" while they hug....and Z turns as says something like, "I want a hug now too Mommy just like lisa and the bear!" Oh how I love this little boy! Matt was watching the whole thing and was chuckling at the end cause he could see me getting all mushy over there. I may not have a little girl who wants to watch Princess movies and Sound of Music and other musicals with me....but I hope I can at least share with my sons my very great love of reading!!
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1:55 PM
Monday, December 27, 2010
We wish you a Merry Christmas....
and a Happy New Year! Figured I better get that happy new year part in now since I am late on the whole Christmas wishes!!
Christmas has come and gone in a flash and I miss it already! I noticed I didn't take near enough pictures, definitely need to work on that! I get so into everything that I forget to stop and snap some pics! We had a fun and busy Christmas as I am sure anyone with young children does. Matt's mom arrived Christmas Eve and it was so nice to spend the holiday with her again! My mom was getting over stomach bug so we headed on to Christmas eve service without my parents. We went to the 6 o'clock family service and it was quite a hoot to see the kiddos in action for the service. Matt and I chuckled imagining Zach and Mark being shepherds and farm animals in a few years! They were sweet to see but I do miss the traditional midnight service. One day we will do that again but for now I shall enjoy the sweet hearts of the children. We still close with Silent Night which gets me every time. Such a beautiful song and always one of my favorite parts of Christmas is singing it in the candlelight. We headed home and enjoyed a yummy dinner of enchiladas!! My dad was able to join us for that and I was happy for that! The boys went to bed pretty easily and then it was off to work as Santa's Elves! :)
All Zachary has been asking for the whole month was "a football helmet with a star on it", and seeing his little face at the top of the stairs and exclaiming "wake up everybody, Santa was here!"was surely one of the highlights of the day. He definitely "got" Christmas this year and that has been so fun. He was really good about passing out presents, sharing toys with brother and loved trying out everything he opened. We all enjoyed seeing the boys in action!! My mom and dad were there at like 730 so they could see all the action and my brother and sister in law came over in the afternoon for lunch too. All in all, it was a great day!
Matt's mom headed home Sunday and Matt's dad and step mom came to visit today to see the boys and do presents and lunch so we have had a full weekend!! unfortunately I have to head back to work tomorrow....why didn't I take this week off?? UGH!
Some of my favorite gifts I received were my sewing machine from my parents (more on that later), an AWESOME shutterfly book my Aunt Ginna made of the boys from this past year, a book charm from Matt for my bracelet and a cool cupcake carrier from Manda!
Anyway, I vow to myself to do better on the updating in the new year. It's probably going to be a busy week at work with this cold weather all over the country so may not see many posts....but I will try! We are tossing around the idea of doing a kids free NYE if we can find sitters. Its been several years since we have done that so that could be fun if we can swing it!
Hope you and your families had a very blessed Christmas and looking forward to a new year!!
Posted by
10:06 PM
Monday, December 20, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
10 days til christmas
Really? Wow! Seriously, where has the month gone? I had all these plans for being ahead of the curve so as not to be stressed, but that doesn't seem to be happening! I think I am just about finished shopping but have not a single thing wrapped...I need to at least get a book wrapped for Zach's class party tomorrow and then for kids gift exchange on Saturday but it sure would be nice to have it all done too!
I did some shopping at Barnes & noble today and they have a good buy 2 get the 3rd one free promo going on right now. I happened to be buying 2 toys and the nice checker told me I was eligible for a 3rd toy free "if i wanted". Ummm, I am not really sure who would say no to that or why but it saved me a trip to TRU for another gift and for that I was thankful! I really liked some of the toys there too, different than some you would find a tru or target.
So, next up....teacher/neighbor/tipping for Christmas. I went with $15 to starbucks. I had plans for making something but that just didn't happen. I think $15 is acceptable, I sure hope it is cause that's what I got! Next up is our nanny, who we do dearly love. I saw last week on Today show that acceptable was a week's worth pay? Wow, really? That seems like a lot! Or am I being cheap? I have NO idea on that one and any words of advice would be appreciated..... Who else do you buy gifts or tip? Your mail and newspaper carrier? Neighbors? Friends?
Anyway, have a very busy weekend coming up. We have our annual book club kids gift exchange on Saturday morning, the Bloch twins birthday party on Sunday, church, neighborhood Christmas festival, and oh yeah, I am on call AGAIN. Fun and busy busy times!
How are your holidays coming along? Are you finished shopping? All those cookies baked? Presents wrapped? Card sent??
Posted by
9:50 PM
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Not sure where I have been but life has been busy, guess that is just the holiday season! Since thanksgiving, I have had PEO meeting, craft night, company Christmas party, and Christmas book club, WHEW! I am tired! Adding in work, having to find a dress for said party and ornaments for said meetings....time has been scarce!
Anyhoo....in the meantime, we started decorating for Christmas as soon as we got back from Thanksgiving. It has been quite a Griswald-esque experience! The prelit tree was not ALL prelit when it plugged in, the lights outside the house keep blowing out, countless things have broken but it all finally got finished and we are all enjoying the holiday decor. We also have "Batman", our Elf on the Shelf, who is visiting us. Yes, Zachary named him Batman. I am not writing it down in the books in hopes that he gets a better name next year! :) Batman does serve as good bribery though and it is funny to hear the commentary about him. Tonight Mark was crying when he was getting dressed after his bath b/c he didn't want to get out. Zach comes in and just hands him a toy, totally unprompted! I told him how nice and what a good brother he was...to which he replies that he wants Batman to tell Santa what a good boy he has been being, HA! Funny kid!
So 15 days till Christmas....I think I am almost done, what about you??
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11:59 PM
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tis the Season
Another holiday down....and another to go! Thanksgiving has quickly come and gone and now we are into full fledged Christmas spirit! It's not even December 1st just yet but I already feel behind and that Christmas will be here before we know it!
We had a wonderful time in Mathis with Matt and his family. The boys of course were a big hit and they equally loved all of the attention :) Aunt Debbie lives on a lake so Zach especially loved going out on the pier to see all of the fishies and such. Travelling makes for an interesting time now...potty stops for Z and screaming for mark ;-) The younger of the 2 is not a very good traveller, i guess he doesn't like to be constrained? The random screaming and lack of snoozing in the car made him a less than desirable travel partner, but we grinned and bared it and just had to laugh at the chaos we call life these days! And also decided we were done travelling at least through the end of the year now! :)
We didn't hit any black Friday sales, but Wal-mart was having an additional sale on Saturday that Matt was out the door early for. They had a 37" flat screen on sale and that is just the size we need for the armoire we currently have. I know, our TVs are so out of date (even though they are only like 6 years old), but we aren't ready to buy new furniture yet so we got one that would fit what we have. The first walmart Matt went to started their sale early and they were all gone before the sale even started! He headed to another one and got the 4th to last TV! Woohoo! We still need a HD cable box but the TV looks pretty cool already! we are slowly catching up with the technology! HA!
And my only Cyber Monday purchase was a Christmas present for myself...a Silhouette!! it is this awesome craft cutter and I cannot wait to get it and start using it! My craftiness is just about to get kicked up another notch! woohoo!
My plan to be finished with Christmas early is not quite complete so I really need to get busy this next week and finish shopping. I would LOVE to have that totally done so not have to worry about it anymore and relax some. I do have some crafting I need to complete too...some presents as well as some decorations that I would like to have completed soon. Just not enough hours in the day.
Anyway, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoying the start of this blessed holiday season!!
Posted by
3:53 PM
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Gobble Gobble!
Happy Thanksgiving, friends! I hope you are all ready for family, friends, and lots of yummy food!
We are headed to visit Matt's dad's side of the family tomorrow for our Thanksgiving meal. I am looking forward to seeing everyone and for Mark to meet his Grandma Sally and the rest of the aunts and uncles. The boys are in for lots of hugs and kisses!
I am also thinking today of my own cousins and aunt today. One year ago today, my cousin Courtney went to be with our Heavenly Father after a life long battle with Cystic Fibrosis. I am happy to know that Court is breathing easy now and free of pain...she is surely missed....
And today 2 of my friends' little ones turned 1! Happy birthday to Evan and Charlotte!
Several friends whose wee ones are celebrating their 1st Thanksgiving tomorrow....Caleb, Nick & Alex, Madeline, Henry, and Teddy...we are so thankful for your precious lives too!
For Matt having a job this year, we have much to be thankful for....
And just for Matt, I am so blessed to have him by my side as husband and my best friend!
For 2 healthy boys, my wonderful blessings...
For FABULOUS grandparents who help Matt and I out more than they even know and are so loved by their grandsons....
For my girlfriends who are really more like sisters, what fun would life be without you all?!
For Maria, our wonderful nanny, she has been such an immense help to our family and feels more like family every day!
And for so many other things....we have so much to be thankful for....
I pray you are all well and able to spend tomorrow with loved ones and remember to count your blessings! Happy Thanksgiving...Gobble Gobble! :)
Posted by
10:21 PM
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
This weekend we made the long trek to Abilene to see Grammy-Gram and Nonna. Matt's sister, Julie, came down with her family from Lubbock to visit us too. We had a fun weekend playing....went to Children's Museum, played with lots of cars and blocks, in Nonna's giant backyard, and at the neighborhood elementary school! Fun was had by all!
The 6 hour road trip was a little bit much on the way there, so we decided to make an impromptu stop in Austin Sunday night to break up the trip. Pawpaw and Mawmaw Manda were very pleased to see us for our short visit too. They have some new critters in their yard....chickens! The boys had a great time chasing them around and hunting for eggs! ;-)
All in all it was a great weekend and it was wonderful to catch up with all the fam! And now a few pictures for your viewing pleasure!!
Posted by
9:44 PM
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Blessing Board
Sunday night I made one my favorite crafts yet! I stumbled upon this blog, Less then Perfect Life of Bliss. She made the neatest board to write on daily the things you are thankful for or feeling blessed by...perfect for this thanksgiving season. All you need is an old frame, some letters, and burlap and fabric and you are good to go! Julie's was so cute, I pretty much just made it just like hers and I love it! I have it hanging by my front door but thinking of moving it to somewhere where I can see it more often. Here are a couple pics before I wrote on it and hung it up! Go make one too, and be blesssed!!
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10:26 PM
Crock Pot Mexican Chicken
Somethings I really love about fb, like posting a question and getting like 20 responses! On Monday I wanted to try a new recipe using 2 things....chicken breasts and my crock pot. Anything else I was open to! I honestly have used my crock pot for only 2 things....pot roast and queso and was ready to venture out with something else!
Ashley D. sent me the easiest and tastiest recipe....
*chicken breasts
*can of black beans (drained)
*can of corn (drained)
*can of Rotel or can of diced tomatoes/can of green chilies
*Spices....I added cumin, cayenne pepper, onion and garlic powder/salt
Put all of that into the ole crock and let it go. I put mine on the 10hr low setting. About and hour before you are ready to serve, drop a block of reduced fat or ff cream cheese.
OMG, it was so good! I didn't even have to use a knife on the chicken. It actually would have been really tasty to shred and put on tortillas (which hubs did for his 2nd serving). We served ours with a side of Spanish rice and topped with a little fresh avocado. Delish!! :)
I am totally ready to bust out the crock pot and try some new things. There were several others that people sent that sounded totally delish too! Do you have any great crock pot recipes to share?
Posted by
9:25 PM
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Countdown to....Christmas??
Oh yes, we are only 4 days past Halloween and now Christmas has EXPLODED everywhere already! Our big shopping centers in town have been sporting the Christmas lights and giant bows and wreaths since like the first of October, but now all the stores are in full out holiday display too! Yesterday when I pulled into the driveway the guys who hung our outdoor Christmas lights last year were making their way around the neighborhood to set up appointments for this year! I personally still want to enjoy the fall some so day after Halloween I pulled everything down and busted out my fall stuff. I love me some more pumpkins and leaves and gourds and TURKEYS of course! I do have a couple of fall projects I want to complete so I better get on it so I can actually enjoy them before it is time to take them down. Seems the boys keep getting to bed later and later and mommy is more and more tired! yawwwwn......not enough time for crafting!!
Posted by
10:49 PM
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Halloween 2010
I didnt get a very good picture of the boys together in costume, Zachary was too ready to go get his candy!! Note to self, take pictures BEFORE it is time to go trick or treating! ;-) We had a good time walking around the section of our neighborhood and Zachary got WAY too much candy for a little boy. People must have been heavy handed passing out candy because we didn't go to that many houses! Markey was definitely a favorite and looked adorable in his pea pod costume, especially toddling down the street after brother. Even Esther got to come with us on our walk in her halloween collar. Grammy came with us to help with the crew and it was much appreciated! Now...on to preparing for Thanksgiving and Christmas! :)
Posted by
9:44 PM
Monday, October 25, 2010
For the love of BOOKS...
My name is Lisa....and I love books. We have so many books, yet I can't seem to part with them! Today during big boy's nap, I decided to tackle a book case in our game room. After like 7 years of book club (approx 80ish books cause some months we have skipped) plus the countless other books I have read on my own, plus matt's books, plus some books from college, that is a LOT OF BOOKS!!
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9:50 PM
12 month Check up!
Today I took the boys into the doc for Mark's 12 month check up. It was slightly stressful as these 2 do not like to a) be still for too long and b) be confined to a little doctor's room! :) They did pretty good waiting, but once the doc was there and ready to chat, m was getting antsy and z wanted mommy's attention. I always get a little embarrassed and they really were not even bad, just being a 1 and a 2.5 year old! ANYWAY, I asked doc about M's recent bout with eczema and on and off diarrhea. He said it is a possibility it could be related to the introduction of cow's milk, even though we have been doing fine with cheese, yogurt, etc for months. He said we could a) give it a couple more weeks to see how things go, b) switch to soy milk which I don't want to do or c) get a food allergy work up and make sure it is actually that. So I have a call into my insurance to check coverage for that and we will go from there. Oh yeah, and we have the start of an ear infection. Good times!
Posted by
1:25 PM