Saturday, April 11, 2009

12 weeks and a little lesson in patience & faith!

Yes, I am past the 12 week mark.  Can you believe it, because I cannot!  It has gone by very quickly and that is a little scary and exciting at the same time. I had a short appointment on Wednesday for some blood work, testing my progesterone.  I have been on supplements since we first found out about little peanut, apparently it was a little low.  Hopefully it will come back high enough that I can stop taking them soon!  

Along with the 12 week mark comes the hopes of being able to hear that fabulous little pitter patter on a doppler, and as of yet, I still cannot find it.  I am hoping its because its just early or due to the baby weight that I am still carrying around in the mid-section that I cannot find the little one on my own.  I asked the nurse about it while I was there hoping that my paranoia would get me a quick ultrasound or at least their check with the doppler but no such luck.  Instead I got a pep talk and instruction to return the doppler to my friend.  BOO.  I don't know if it's just left over from the difficulty conceiving Zach, but I am still so nervous about everything.  I just want to know that everything is okay!  That is one thing I miss about the RE, the weekly appointments and seeing little bean growing just as he/she should!  

So until then, I just am praying and trying to rest in the knowledge that He has it under control.  Why is that so hard to do?  I am reminded of 2 verses and think I will reflect on them until I get to the next appointment!
-Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.  Romans 12:12
-Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

I guess God is trying to tell me to be still, enjoy this experience, and trust in Him to know it will be okay one way or another.  Just easier said than done.  We live in a world of "instant" everything and its hard to sit still and wait on Him.  So I moved my regular appointment up one week and now will go this Monday instead of the 2oth.  So I guess I still need to work on this patience and being still thing....


  1. Yea I would say you do...Very funny, but waiting and trusting is so hard, but He is so faithful. Everything is going to be just fine.

  2. Congrats on the milestone! I'm sure it's tough not hearing the hb, but it is still early. I wish that the nurse would have tried with her doppler! But I guess she didn't want you to worry more.

  3. You're adorable! Enjoy number 2. Don't rush it. It is lovely to be pregnant.

  4. Yea - 2nd trimester!! Guess you are going to have to re-name your blog soon, huh? :)


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