Had lunch today with some of the book club aunties and mentioned how the last two weeks since Zach's possessed teething episodes....I have not gotten much or very good sleep! He is just waking through the night and I wake up to every cry/whimper/rustle! Both of them asked if I still have the monitor next to the bed. And yes, I do. Suggestion? Back to good old Ferber! They both said to turn the monitor off or move it outside the bedroom so that I could hear him if he was REALLY crying, but not every noise he makes. He is not sick and obviously old enough to be sleeping though the night....but I think perhaps I spoiled him the week of the teething by going in every little whimper. So, I guess tonight will be Night #1. I will let you know how it goes!
Opening the Gift of Gratitude
3 days ago
That was some of the best advice we've ever gotten - get rid of the monitor. I don't even have one for George when I'm upstairs. I only use one when I'm downstairs and half the time I forget to turn it on. They'll let you know if they need help.
ReplyDeleteI admit, I was slow to give it up too! But I agree...he will let you know if he needs you.