Saturday, August 28, 2010

School Days, School Days

*First off, happy to report that the middle of the night crying seemed to just about stop right after I made the last post, thank goodness!! Hopefully I didn't just jinx myself but I think we seem to be getting back on track!

Thursday was Zachary's 1st day at his new school! We decided now that we have a reliable nanny, we would move Z out of daycare and into a more traditional Mother's Day Out twice a week. It is a church school and where he will more than likely continue through preschool too.

He was SO excited about his new backpack and lunch box. We went to meet the teacher on Tuesday night so he was already familiar with his teacher and classroom. When we left the class, he let out one dramatic cry but stopped before we had even left the room :-) When I picked him up, he was happily playing on the floor with some other boys and I was able to watch him for about 5 minutes before he even realized I was in the room. Love that! We are really excited about this new change for him and I hear we got the best teacher too, yippee!

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