I consider myself a fairly avid reader. I look at popular book lists quite often for book club ideas and the NY Times Bestsellers list and find that I have read many or at least heard of them and/or have them on my to-read list.....but I have never read a Harry Potter book. Did you just gasp? I am sure some people mayhave ! Not sure why? Same reason I didn't get all in to Twilight I guess? I read the first one but haven't made it past there yet. Too many other books out there I want to read more.
But Harry....he has some allure to him. I have enjoyed the movies I have seen. I like books/movies like Lord of the Rings (I can watch those movies every time they are on TNT and TBS!) So perhaps I should jump on the bandwagon many years later and read them now? What do you think...are they THAT good? I need a good diversion from reality right now...
Opening the Gift of Gratitude
3 days ago
We didn't read HP until the last two books. Chuck was so enthralled after the last movie, we bought the books on CD and listened to them every night that summer until we finished them. Loved it! They really are very good, but for some reason I cannot get through the first book - I think because it is so much like the movie.
ReplyDeleteYou should absolutely read them! I think they're better than Twilight b/c Rowling creates a whole different world. They are easy reads and you can probably finish them quickly. They will only expand and give you more interesting details that the movies didn't. Go for it- its never too late to jump on the HP bandwagon! Enjoy! :)
ReplyDelete100% YES you should read them. They blow the movies OUT of the water. I completely recommend!
ReplyDeleteI read them all before seeing the movie versions of them, so it's tough for me to say, in reverse.
ReplyDeleteBut I thought the books were absolutely and utterly amazing. The writing is outstanding, the world pulls you right in. I bet you'd enjoy them.
All the movies are true to the books I think. They are very entertaining and the writer does a great job describing everything without hurting the story telling. I think they are great. I only ready the first four and then just started watching the movies :)
ReplyDeleteI can't believe no one freaked out on Aday Lady for saying that the movies are true to the books. All I hear from die hard fans is that the movies leave so much stuff out.
ReplyDeleteI have several of the books, but only read the first one. It was an assigned reading for an adolescent literature class. I really liked that one and intended to read more.
ReplyDeleteYou really need to read the books! I read them 2 years ago and then watched the movies while on bedrest. I am now reading the books again b/c they were so good! I also really like the movies and always watch them when they are on. They definitely don't follow the books exactly, but are close enough to make them good as well. Enjoy!