Friday, June 17, 2011

I love my friends

sometimes they just really make me smile and it reminds me how blessed I am to have such a great group of women in my life.  we are all different and unique, but we truly LOVE each other, quirkiness and all...and that is pretty cool. 

we had book club last night, more people didn't read the book than did (oops...we used to be SO much better!).  Life has gotten busy as we have all become wives and mothers, etc.  We so very are thankful to our husbands or siblings or parents who watch our children so we can get together one night a month to just be together.  As much as I love all of our children, it is nice to be able to actually hold a conversation with one another without a million interruptions and distractions. 

We support each other, encourage each other, listen, advise, hug cry, and laugh.  Such a special bond!  Love you friends!!!  You are the sisters I never had

And make NKOTB shirts for concerts...good times ladies, good times!  :)

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