*EDIT* LOL, sorry people. I dont know what got into me, the post wasn't meant to be so fiesty!!! I think the Nuby cups hate me and that's why I dislike them so much. (and sarah, it wasn't just you, everyone loves the Nubys but me!) I just cant take the constant clean up they require me to do. So....I guess I will be on the great sippy cup hunt. I think Ill try some different hard top ones and see what we can work out :)
I HATE the NUBY sippy cups!! I will take a lot of the advice but I will not agree on the Nuby. I bought them since so many people said they were fab. But the problem is with their bottle like nipple...is that Zach takes them and SMUSHES them into the tray or floor or whatever hard surface is around and then we have milk or water all over the place. Oh, and he likes to drop the Nuby too, to which the top will come undone or leak everywhere some other way. They most definitely are NOT leak proof and spill proof. Or Zach is some kind of super hero sippy cup breaking baby! ;-)
I do like the shape though, but it needs a new top!! Anyhow, that's my rant on the Nuby. Not my favorite at all!
Opening the Gift of Gratitude
3 days ago
I have no advice, I'm just sympathizing. Bean loves his sippy, but it's one that the liquid will come out the spout if you tip it upside down. On the plus side, I've read that those are the best kind for their development because they teach the kid to sip instead of suck (like on a bottle). On the down side, I think I need to buy stock in paper towels. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteahhhh the dump it over and try to get all the milk out splashy fun!! Mia and Jacob do that with every sippy cup and have since they could figure out that if they hit the 'sippy' to any hard surface and milk will dribble out for finger painting fun of course.... then it was all over. Here we are at 24 mths and they do it with EVERY cup...there is no miracle cup that it doesnt work for them :).....sorry. However I even though we started transitioning with the Nubys (and it worked well) they do have a horrible habit of the cap falling off when they are dropped. So frustrating but that is when we moved into the...you drop it and its gone lessons...and that worked too!
ReplyDeleteThey still know that if they 'play' in their milk that mommy takes it away...its a work in progress :)
WOW!! you're seriously riled up. he hee. Jayden didn't start the smushing thing until he was like 18 or 19 months and then we switched to Playtex insulators which really are leak proof. At least so far! Sorry my recommendation turned out so bad. You do have a smart one over there for sure!! Have you tried Avent sippy cups at all? A few friends of mine swear by them but Jayden never liked them. I'm almost scared to recommend anything else!! ha ha ha
ReplyDeleteI second Andrea. We don't tolerate any sippy cup dropping around here anymore.
sarah!! Sorry, it wasnt just you, promise, everyone loves the nubys but me. I love product recommendations...I have had the Nubys for awhile and keep trying to love them since everyone else does, but the whole smushing the nipple and milk going everywhere gets me every time! Ill check out some of the other ones and see if we can find a winner! :)
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ReplyDeleteI'll have to go back and read the 'fiestiness' in the last post. I'm not a big fan of nubys either, they leaked leaked leaked. We have had success with the take and toss cups (they leak but only if intentionally held upside down and shook) and the straw type cups, the munchkin mighty grips are my fav. The straw cups again don't leak unless intentionally messed with and seem easier than the traditional sippy cups for Drew and Livi. Good luck on your hunt.
ReplyDeletei prefer the playtex cups. nuby's are okay, good for beginners if they can't use a hard cup, but after that they are more messy. i missed the fiestiness..where was that? you do sound very passionate though!
ReplyDeleteYea...not a nuby fan either. We went with the Playtex ones now. They seem to keep from dripping more then any of the other ones but I agree with Andrea for sure nothing it spill proof. I like the bluntness of your post! Go girl!