Tuesday, October 14, 2008

We have a crawler!!!

It started Saturday with a couple of forward lunges at sign class...and then a couple more that afternoon. And then a few more on Sunday....And then Monday, he was off!! Went all the way down the hall after Max! :) It is so cute to watch him and today he could do even more. All of a sudden, our guy is mobile! When did my baby boy grow up?? Ignore my crazy baby talking....and enjoy!


  1. CUTE!!! Congrats, Zach!!!

    Okay, can I be annoyed that you look more settled into your house than we do in ours -- and we closed in June?? ;)

    To answer your question, Bean Man is going to be a monkey for Halloween. At least I hope so, if the costume fits. He hasn't tried it on yet. Typical guy, always waiting until the last minute. ha ha ha. I picked it because he always wants to be carried and hangs onto my shirt with his chubby fist, like a little monkey baby. :) What about Zach?

  2. Yipee, GO ZACH!

    And he's in perfect form already, no army crawling at all!

    I can't believe how fast he is growing, every time I think of him I still think of him as a tiny newborn!

  3. omg - he is too cute! can't wait for him to crawl to me!

  4. As I suspected - he's a GENIUS! What an incredible baby! Yay Zach!

  5. Oh my gosh...really where did the time go. I can't believe he is now crawling. That is wonderful. Congrats Z man.
    Hope you are getting all settled into the new place. You should walk around the house with the camera narrerating and then post it so we can see how lovely it is. Or just post pics too.

  6. And the fun begins ;) You'll be chasing him down before you know it.


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