Saturday, October 4, 2008

Taking a Break

Whew, I AM POOPED!!!!!!!!! Taking a short break for dinner from a very long day. Started the morning off at 5:30am to get ready for the Race for the Cure! This year we had some of the babies joining us and they all did great, even standing and waiting for about a half hour to walk. There was a new record of over 30,000 participants so you can imagine it could get a little gridlocked! ;-) Once we got moving though, it was a great time just being with friends and supporting a great cause. The best part always is The Survivors Finish Line. I started our team 3 years ago when Sherrie and Betty (friends' moms were diagnosed with breast cancer). Seeing Sherrie cross that finish line gave me chills last year and did again this year too! Very powerful!! (Betty met us after too for the brunch, she is also a survivor!!)

Anyway, the walk was fun and the brunch was delicious! It was a lot of fun to watch all the little ones play together...ranging from 4 months to 2.5 years! Zachary and Julia had a GRAND time. They were sitting and playing together on the floor. At first it started out just sharing toys, but then Z was trying to hold her hand, pull her ear, and even give her a kiss! And julia was just all grins the whole time. ADORABLE! My camera connector is passed away so I will have to add pics later but believe me, it was cute. I wish we had the video camera!

Home by noon and have been packing EVER since. It is truly amazing how much crap, errr, I mean, STUFF is in a house! We have MANY bags of trash full and still tons of boxes! But we get to the point where its like...we just need to pack SO PUT IT IN THE BOXES!!! Especially with a baby in tow all day. Zach has been great all day though, especially considering we have been packing up all his stuff away. He has been a serious trooper. Today while sitting up in his crib, he also discovered he could reach the mobile. It was hillarious as he was screeching with delight as he grabbed the creatures he has been eyeing and hoping to touch for months! Needless to say, it came down and will not be going back up. And the crib will be lowered when he is in his new room too.

So anyway, it has been a loooong day and sometime emotional too. I was okay until it was time to put Zachary to sleep in his big empty room with empty walls. As I rocked him to sleep while I was giving him his bottle, my mind could not help to go back to putting his room together, bringing him home to this house, and those first few nights here with him! Lots of wonderful memories! Not to mention this being Matt and I's first house together....first Christmas, anniversary, every holiday! Getting Esther! I could go on and on. I know new house will have tons of its own memories too, but I will always treasure the ones we made here! They are part of our story together!!!!!!!! :)

Ok, matt is back with the food so I will bid you adieu! Hopefully Internet is all set up on Monday so I will post some pics then. Until then...Good Night!!


  1. Good luck with the move, I've been thinking about you alot lately!!

  2. Have fun moving into the NEW house and take a lot of pictures. Pictures of a new empty house are fun to look back on. I also really enjoyed watching Julia and Zach play yesterday, I've never seen her connect that much with another baby, and she sees other babies all the time, so that is saying a lot! They are just two very sweet and social babies!

  3. Congratulations on the move! I know you're going to love the new house. I get so sad when I leave a house behind. Hope you can get some rest this week.


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