Wednesday, October 22, 2008


It's cold season...I cannot breathe. My nose is stuffed up yet it is dripping too. Lovely. My eyes are red. My throat scratches. Fun, fun, fun. I swear I never used to get sick. I blame the munchkin. He had the major snots last week and then I thought he was getting better. Now that is gone and he has a little touch of a cough. I guess it is Matt's turn to get it next? Any suggestions to make us all feel better? ;-)


  1. GARLIC SOUP! Andy made it for me before he went out of town, and I had it for lunch three days in a row last week. My cold was gone super quick, it was quite amazing. (If you need a recipe, let me know, I will try to translate Andy's handwriting). :)

    Also, lots of vitamin C and Cold-Eez.

  2. C - I need the recipe!

    L - Chuck and I take lots of Emergen-C, but pretty much you just have to get used to being sick. Just be thankful it isn't a stomach bug. I hate catching those from the kids. hang in there.

  3. Christine....we need the recipe!! Save all of us snifflers out there and bring on the Garlic Soup! :)

  4. Sorry it took so long for me to reply. Hopefully you don't need it anymore, but I'll post the recipe. In return, I am tagging you Lisa. See my blog for the rules!


    8-10 cloves of garlic, peeled & chopped
    2 tbsp olive oil
    1 large and 1 small can of Swanson chicken broth
    2 eggs
    1-2 tbsp white vinegar

    Saute garlic in oil in soup pot, just to soften them. Add chicken broth and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, separate egg whites from yolks, save both. Whisk vinegar into bowl of yolks. Once it boils, add egg yolk / vinegar mixture to the pot. Then add egg whites and whisk.

    If there are lots of floaters in the soup, you did it right! :)

  5. this blog sounded like that old shel silverstein poem.... ha!
    hope you are feeling better. love you


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