Sunday, November 4, 2007

Happy Birthday Caroline!!

We welcomed another new addition to the crew this morning! Right in between Halloween and her daddy and uncle Jack's birthday...Caroline Norene made her appearance this Sunday morning! Mom and I were shopping in Fredericksberg this morning and I got a text from Thomas about 6:15am saying Amy was going in for a c-section shortly. We didn't even know she was in the hospital...I had chatted with her Saturday night around 7pm before she and T went out for his birthday dinner! But anyway.....Caroline is here safe and sound, born at 7:12am, weighing 4lbs 9oz and 18 inches long. She is tiny but perfect in every way! So alert too, I think its a girl thing. Katie was like that too! Amy was doing well when Matt and I saw them tonight but getting tired and starting to feel a little pain. We wished them well and were on our way!

I managed to snap a few pics, but didn't get any of the family as a whole! Drats! Someone will have to get one for me. Caroline is adorable!

On another, my ticker. 96 days to go. Where is the time going?!?! I have an insane schedule these next 3 weeks, praying I don't have a mental breakdown. Between work obligations and house crap, it's going to be STRESSFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully we all survive without too many injuries. We keep getting SO close to getting the house on the market when something else decides to rear its head. Any prayers for our sanity and getting the house on the market would be greatly appreciated!!


  1. SO precious!! I can't wait to meet baby Caroline!
    Good luck to you this week. You are always in my thought and prayers!
    love you

  2. yea for baby caroline! i can't wait to meet the precious angel!


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