Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Just a little cuteness and other random thoughts

Nothing new to report...except that I think Mark must have like 4 more teeth coming in right now! Poor little dude, he had a tough time sleeping last night.... It is really weird too, I can see the outlines of his teeth behind his gums, so strange!

And theresa commented that she thought my "#3" title from the last post meant I was announcing my next pregnancy! hahaha, that one gave me QUITE the chuckle!! Not quite time for that yet!! :) It is weird to think that if we were sticking to our age gap though, I would be pregnant again in the next few weeks! Oh my! Think I will enjoy the holidays first and then ponder that next year! :)

Oooh, guess what tomorrow is, people???????

It's 90210 DAY!!!!!!!!

So channel your inner Donna, Kelly, or Brenda and catch an old episode to celebrate today!!

And then just a couple pics of my sweet boys....enjoy!

The boy loves the spoon!
Z is reading Mark Elmo's potty book....too early to potty train? ;-)
Sporting his Aggie cap!


  1. Cutie pies! As for #3, it isn't that far of the mark for either one of us to be knocked up already, so I couldn't help but jump to conclusions. :) Oh, and genius about the 90210 day! Loving it.

  2. Hmmmm... thinking about #3 already?? Well, yes, I suppose you do need another boy. ;)

    Both Z and Mark seem soooo sweet. I still really wish we lived closer together so they could all play together. I have three little sweeties myself and the "bully" kinda kids really make me mad!!!


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