Monday, November 24, 2008

Ear Infection

UGH, it is still there! Poor Z! After 10 days of drops and antibiotics, we went in for our re-check today and it is still there :( So now onto a different antibiotic and different drops. Lets hope these work or doc said we would be going to an ENT if no progress in another 10 days. Luckily Z is acting like himself and doesn't seem too bothered about the whole thing. Poor baby boy. They did an ear culture too so we shall see what it brings!

And to to top it off, I think Matt and I are getting a little cold too. I don't like this winter/spring time of year!!


  1. Poor Zach! And poor Mom and Dad! Not what you want to be dealing with around the holidays. I hope you all feel better soon.

  2. You might try an EarCheck( to assist in diagnosing and monitoring an ear infection. I used it last night and it works. It confirmed that she had an infection so I gave her some Tylenol so she could sleep and then went to the doc this morning and he confirmed it. It is great peace of mind.


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