Thursday, November 6, 2008

Jingle Bells

I heard on KSBJ this morning that their Christmas music will be starting in TWO weeks! YIPPEE!! I am so excited about sharing Christmas this year with our little man! Bring on the music!


  1. There's a radio station here in Detroit that started playing Christmas music on November 1st!! That's a little bit early for me. :) But I'm with you, it will be a fun holiday season with the little one.

  2. We already tune into the 'seasonal season' on our Direct TV while eating dinner. There is nothing like preparing for the Holidays with growing babies!! They are already so excited!! Wait until he see's all those lights!!

  3. Whoohoo for Christmas! I started listening at the end of September. It's never too early for me!

  4. I got a cd collection of baby songs for Caroline (to help me learn the words really) and Silent Night was on there!! Gave me goosebumps!! I am so looking forward to Christmas!


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