Tuesday, November 4, 2008

History in the Making

Whether you bleed red or blue...I hope you can step outside of those views and see that tonight History Was Made. A little over 50 years ago our country was in civil turmoil with race relations...and here we were tonight with either a black president or a woman vice president about to be elected....or as it turns out, a black president-elect! Say what you may, it is history and a change in the textbooks! Little boys AND girls, no matter what color they are, can wake up and say "I want to be President of the United States of America" and know that they truly can. And that makes me excited for the future of our children.

So please don't jump on a comment with any negativeness, its my blog and I am allowed one political post every once in awhile! And I for one shall go to bed excited for the change to come!

Hillary 2016! ;-)


  1. Love the new "festive" blog...well done!!!

    I agree whether or not he was our choice HISTORY was made tonight and that is something exciting to teach our children. Our babies will learn to pray over our president and his family for protection, wisdom and providence. Afterall God is and always has been on the throne and He calls us to pray over our government, what a privledge that is!

  2. I am very excited that America has taken a huge step! congrats! It is truely awesome (as an educator) that I get to teach the youth of America about our history and what is to come!!

  3. I'm moving to Canada!! ;) I'm kidding. You're right, it certainly is a historic occasion.


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