Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I survived Halloween!

Otherwise known as I have not DEVOURED the giant bowl of deliciousness the boys ended up with! :)  I tell ya, for hitting only the houses in our little section, they ended up with more candy then they could ever need...I enjoyed a couple pieces the night of Halloween, and have decided at least half of what's left of it is going to the office tomorrow for OTHER people to enjoy! :)

Today was ww day, and happy to report that I lost 3.6 this week!  That makes up for the 2lbs I gained last week.  And leaves me with 4.8 to go to reach my goal.  It is coming off slowly now, but the end is so in sight.  I AM going to do it!!  So I was thinking today...what would be something good to reward myself with when I reach my goal?  My first thought is a fancy pair of jeans.  Anyone have a suggestion on a good splurge pair?  I am hoping I can reach goal by Thanksgiving and then somehow not gain the usual 10lbs of holiday weight, ha!

And here are a couple pics from Halloween...Mr. Particular decided he did not want to wear the Cars race car suit he picked out weeks ago, and I talked him out of wearing his super hero cape and lion mask, so he ended up being a football player like his younger brother.

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